ASTECC, longtime provider of post-graduate trainings that feature results-based, traditional spa therapies, has launched a wellness coaching course for estheticians, massage therapists, and other holistic healers. Spa Wellness Coaching is a 12-week curriculum that covers hydrotherapy, thalassotherapy, constitutional body typing, transdermal nutrition, and stress-management techniques. Students learn how to deliver individualized client programs online, as well as practical skills to build their own coaching business. Weekly Zoom calls support the practitioner’s progress though the coaching development process.
Spa Wellness Coaching is the brainchild of Leah Carver, daughter of ASTECC founder and globally-renowned spa educator Anne Bramham. After 20 years in the spa industry as an educator and spa and yoga studio owner, she turns her attention to helping entrepreneurs build their businesses. Carver was diagnosed with a debilitating autoimmune disease that improved with her holistic program of ASTECC spa therapies. She identified the niche for spa wellness coaching in 2018, when reviewing the content for Dr. Mark Hyman’s The Feel Good Summit, a three-day immersive health experience.
“The body responds to life’s events—it is our unwritten diary. The path to wellness begins with embracing the body’s messages.”
“The Summit was offering nutrition, fitness, and other coaching angles, but what was clearly missing to me was spa. Unfortunately, most people do not view spa as wellness. Throughout my autoimmune journey, my ASTECC knowledge has sustained me, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—as well as financially. When I could no longer do hands on all day, I began to work with my clients online to help them develop practices and lifestyle and business that would support their wellbeing,” said Carver.
The first 12-week course launched April 20, 2020 with 24 students. Sixty percent of course participants moved onto a 6-month Program Development Mastermind Course. The second course is wrapping up, and the third is set to begin on July 22nd. “With the way our lives have all changed and the uncertainty of the future regarding Covid-19 and massage, I realized this was a wonderful opportunity to gain more knowledge in helping provide clients with support at home, says Heather Bennett, a Spa Wellness Coaching student. “I now have numerous new tools to add to my tool belt to help provide a coaching program at home.”
ASTECC had planned on releasing the Spa Wellness Coaching course in 2021, but fast-tracked the release given the current climate.
“Completing the Spa Wellness Coaching course gives practitioners the tools to help people with health and personal issues during these challenging times. I believe this is essential to bring forth in this time,” said Carver. “The body responds to life’s events—it is our unwritten diary. The path to wellness begins with embracing the body’s messages.”
For more information, email info@spawellnesscoaching.com.