Insider’s is heading to Bali in October for the third installment of Synergy, the retreat gathering created by Laura Montesanti for what she calls “purpose-driven connections.” Like so many people, the stress of city life (in London) led Montesanti to meditation, yoga, and a personal healing that she just had to share. She began teaching yoga and eventually began travelling as a yoga instructor, creating a business putting wellness retreats aboard yachts and at resort properties. Over the years, she got to know a wide variety of healing practitioners, property owners, and travel professionals around the globe—and also came to recognize an enormous disconnect: These people didn’t know one another. So much passion, so much talent, so many opportunities, so much demand, so much need! What was lacking, she realized, is an intense, three-day total immersion for the extended family of retreat professionals—people willing to commit to that simple word that is so hard to pull off: Synergy.
Synergy is three days of nonstop networking on the businesses of wellness, spiritual healing practices, and transformative travel.
Synergy is three days of nonstop networking on the businesses of wellness, spiritual healing practices, and transformative travel. The show had its inaugural gathering in 2022 on the island of Ibiza. The second gathering was last October at Palmaia: House of AiA, a unique luxury beachfront sanctuary on the Riviera Maya. The third gathering will be October 1st to 4th at Revivo Wellness Resort in the enchanted forests of Bali.
Mornings and afternoons are spent at numbered tables for two, and every 20 minutes you meet a new person: a retreat leader, a travel agent, a retreat owner, a feng shui expert, a journalist. The luncheon tables have designated topics and there are experiential gatherings to try new workouts and practices and to share more stories. It’s amazing just how many purpose-driven connections can be made. the retreatshow.com info@theretreatshow.com